Monday, October 16, 2006

Eight miles was a breeze

My long runs have been awesome! Eight miles on Saturday felt so great - I know I am ready for at least ten. This Saturday we go back down to six miles and we don't have a scheduled run so guess what? I am going to sleep in on Saturday! Woo Hoo! I have been getting up at 6 am for the last 6-7 weeks. But.... you know what's going to happen.... my eyes are going to pop open around 6:30 am. I hope not! I will run my six late morning. Six miles - no sweat.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Everything is Great

Running is going great right now. I am having awesome runs! Saturday is 8 miles - I am ready!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

So far .... So good!

Training has been awesome. I have been faithful to my three weekly runs and my Saturday group run. Last week we ran six miles and it went fabulous. I met a new friend and we talked for the majority of the run. Running with a group is so motivating and much easier.

My legs are feeling so much better. I took my shoes back in to Runtex and they assured me that they fit very well. I have felt better since - could it all be in my head. It is amazing how mental running is or any sport for that matter. So, physically I know I can run seven miles on Saturday and 26.2 in February - but mentally? Yea, I will do it. It might kill me, but I will do it.

We were watching CSI New York last night and it was about a marathon runner being murdered. The main character woman - can't think of her name - said "Why would anyone want to run 26.2 miles?" I thought that was really funny! Only crazy people.

My friend Mendy asked me if I wanted to do a half Iron Man next year. Well, I am not that crazy! Yet, anyway!

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