Monday, June 20, 2005

A second one under my belt!

I accomplished my second sprint triathlon. I wasn't sure this one was going to happen! Many obstacles in the way- moving, family illness, bike searching, and sheer kaos didn't get in my way! Determination - a must! You have to want it to accomplish it! I did have a different attitude this year. I wasn't quite as driven as last year. I already knew I could finish the race. This year I wanted to do it better. But with the many obstacles I wasn't sure that I could beat my time from last year. My attitude was do my best and enjoy myself. I still truly didn't "enjoy" the half mile swim in Decker Lake. I hope someday I will! The bike felt really good! The run was great although the really, really big hill at the end is a great challenge for me!

I spent most of the day after wondering what my times were. I wasn't sure how I did. I had accepted the fact that I probably had finished the same as last year. That evening I was pleased to learn that I shaved two minutes off my time. I finished at 1 hour 44 minutes! Two minutes, not alot, but I will celebrate it!

I truly believe every woman should accomplish The Danskin! I truly believe every woman can do it!

Maybe you can train with me next year...........

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