Monday, October 16, 2006

Eight miles was a breeze

My long runs have been awesome! Eight miles on Saturday felt so great - I know I am ready for at least ten. This Saturday we go back down to six miles and we don't have a scheduled run so guess what? I am going to sleep in on Saturday! Woo Hoo! I have been getting up at 6 am for the last 6-7 weeks. But.... you know what's going to happen.... my eyes are going to pop open around 6:30 am. I hope not! I will run my six late morning. Six miles - no sweat.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Everything is Great

Running is going great right now. I am having awesome runs! Saturday is 8 miles - I am ready!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

So far .... So good!

Training has been awesome. I have been faithful to my three weekly runs and my Saturday group run. Last week we ran six miles and it went fabulous. I met a new friend and we talked for the majority of the run. Running with a group is so motivating and much easier.

My legs are feeling so much better. I took my shoes back in to Runtex and they assured me that they fit very well. I have felt better since - could it all be in my head. It is amazing how mental running is or any sport for that matter. So, physically I know I can run seven miles on Saturday and 26.2 in February - but mentally? Yea, I will do it. It might kill me, but I will do it.

We were watching CSI New York last night and it was about a marathon runner being murdered. The main character woman - can't think of her name - said "Why would anyone want to run 26.2 miles?" I thought that was really funny! Only crazy people.

My friend Mendy asked me if I wanted to do a half Iron Man next year. Well, I am not that crazy! Yet, anyway!

Monday, September 18, 2006

I love my group runs!

I had an awesome run with my group on Saturday. We ran four miles and it felt great. Okay, so that was only four miles - many more to go - but I am off to a great start. My legs felt really good after the run and I still iced them when I got home.

I am sitting her writing and icing my legs because after todays 40 minute run they hurt - who knows. I think I will go by RunTex today and talk to them about it. Anyway, running would be even more enjoyable right now if it wasn't for the pain. That's what it's all about right, running through the pain. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

This week April and I will run 50 minutes! Saturday- 5 miles. Except for my leg pain - I am ready!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Some pain but feeling better!

Running started out great this week! I have been having trouble with shin and lower leg pain and foot arch pain but it didn't appear until last night when I ran a slow short run with my husband. I don't know if my pain is caused from my shoes that I bought at RunTex a few weeks ago or if it's just from running more than I usually do. So, I will see how my four mile run goes tomorrow morning and if it is painful I will talk to the coaches and get their advice. I am going to ice my legs today and take some ibuprofen.

April, my wonderful half marathon running partner, has decided to train the marathon with me which is very exciting. I definitely need the support. Although my husband brought up the idea of my working some hours at his office which will totally mess up my run schedule. I will figure it out.

My depression has been much better this week. I still am not quite back to normal but I haven't been crying or sleeping as much. I have really been trying to keep myself busy besides running. I have an appointment next week although I would love to feel so good that I didn't need to go. My husband says I am going no matter what. We shall see.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Marathon Training Diary

I am into week 3 of marathon training. My friend April said I should journal the whole five month experience. Especially since about two weeks ago I started dealing with some bouts of depression. Depression like I have never experienced in my life. Uncontrollable crying, feelings of hopelessness, no interest in socializing or getting out of the house. Things got worse this past week but I made myself do my runs anyway.

Training has started very easy with thirty minute runs about four times a week. After my run on Saturday and today I can really tell my body is adjusting and getting in better shape. It's a great feeling to have great productive enjoyable runs. I am sure that my great run this morning contributed to a very good day - I felt somewhat like normal me today. My head was clear and I actually laughed. It felt good but as I write this it makes my cry. It's crazy. I feel like I have really lost it at times. I called the doctor today and made an appointment. My husband informed me tonight that a lot of people miss the Peg they used to know. It amazes me how you can lose yourself in two weeks but I'm sure that it is much more complicating than that. I really don't understand it all.

So, I will hope to keep a journal here of my marathon training experience and all the other life challenges that will try to get in the way.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Week Five Tri Training

Day 1: Bike and Run - Brick; Open water swim 1/2 to 1 mile
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Swim and Bike - Brick
Day 4: Run 1 hour without stopping - endurance
Day 5: Swim approx 2000 yds - concentrate on kicking, speed and sprints
Day 6: Bike 8-12 miles - concentrate on speed
Day 7: Weight training

Week Four Tri Training

Day 1: Swim approx. 2000 yds - speed work
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Hill Sprints - about six times as fast as you can up a really steep hill - ouch- great workout.
Day 4: Swim 1650 yds or approx 1 mile continuous.
Day 5: Weight Training
Day 6: Bike - 1 hour
Day 7: Run, easy 45 minutes; keep a nice even pace

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